It may seem hard to believe but there are a lot of trends in escorting


I have been working for Heathrow escorts for about six months now. Before I worked here, I used to work in central London. The first thing I noticed when I joined this escorts service was that it is not as trendy as London escort services. For instance, concepts such as escorts for couples and duo dating, seemed to have passed the agency by.

Here in Heathrow, most girls are still into one-on-one dating. I must admit that I don’t mind that, and in many ways it is more fun.  I have been in the escorts service for about five years, and during that time I have been involved with many different kinds of dating concepts. Yes, it has been fun but there is something special about one on one dating. You get a chance to get to know your date, and actually chat to them a bit more. I have noticed that having a chat is important here at Heathrow escorts. Most of the gents who visit us on a regular basis seem to need a nice chat. I enjoy it as well, and it makes you feel that you have a personal connection. Back in London, it was always difficult to enjoy a personal connection to your date.

Everyone were always in such as hurry, and I did not know if I was coming or going. The dates came in back to back, and as soon as you had finished one date, another soon turned up. Here at Heathrow escorts  from we seem to be taking a little bit easier. To me, it has made a lot of difference, and I actually enjoy dating more here in Heathrow than I did in central London. The gents who use Heathrow escorts on a regular basis are real gentlemen. They always have time to talk to you, and most of them are really polite. Some of the girls who have only worked here are probably not picking it up as much as I do, but I certainly notice the difference.

I love the fact that the gents treat you nicely, and many of them will send you sweet text messages after your dates. That never used to happen in London where things were a lot more rushed and hurried. I would say that this place has a better working atmosphere. I am going to give Heathrow escorts another year. The area is rally great, and I am looking forward to settle down here. At the moment, I am in rented accommodation, but I am looking to buy a place. My London flat is being rented for a year, so I will have some money to come from that as well. Hopefully, I should be able to buy a place straight out and not have to worry about a mortgage. Maybe I will even fall in love. I have met some great gents, and a couple of them, I really fancy.


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