Should we demonstrate sex toys online

Sex toys sales have just exploded in recent years. Lyra who owns Harlow escorts, also runs a sex toy shop in London, and thriving web site selling sex toys. She says that sexy toys are now so popular that it could perhaps be argued that we should demonstrate them online. I really do believe that I am onto something here she says, an there must be some way that we could make this happen. It would be hard to ensure that kids did not come across the demonstrations, but with the amount of sex toys sales that we have, I think that we should take a different look at this.

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In Holland, it is perfectly legal to demonstrate sexy toys in sex shops. Here in the UK, we are not allowed to date that at all, and I think it is a real shame. I am not sure why we are so hung up about this sort of thing, but I do know that the UK sex industry contributes a lot to the UK economy. If, the UK sex industry contributes to the economy, why should it not be more visible. Running an adult business such as Harlow escorts, is not easy at all as we are not allowed to advertise.

I am sure that many of these law makers and politicians use sex toys. If they are into it, why don’t they recognize that companies such as my sex toy company, says Lyra from Harlow escorts, help to contribute to the economy. This is probably one of the few countries in the world where the adult entertainment business do not have a tax code. We desperately need one, and it would go some way towards recognizing how much the industry is contributing to the UK economy.

The girls who work for me at Harlow escorts, are always having problems with their tax codes. Once again, it is the government who is at fault, and do not want to recognize them as escorts. They are entertainment workers as I understand it. To me, it makes them sound like they are clowns, and I cannot understand how someone can really take us seriously. It would just be so nice if they helped us out a little bit. After all, I pay my taxes and so do my girl who work for me at the agency.

I love running my sex toy businesses and Harlow escorts, but I do think that we are always sticking our heads in the sand. If, we were to be a bit more honest and up front about our lives, I am pretty sure that we would all be happier. Look at swingers, they seem to be a right happy bunch. Swinging is now really popular here in the UK, and personally, it tells me a lot what people have a craving or a passion for. We all want to have some fun in our lives. Our idea of fun changes as we get older, but there is nothing wrong with that.

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